
We often neglect to give ourselves credit. When I do something incorrectly, or perhaps not to the best of my ability I can be hard on myself. I'm such a perfectionist that it kills me to not deliver. Perhaps it's because I know what I'm capable of. I've had a strong work ethic ever since I was young, and have come out on top more times than not. The issue with being a perfectionist is that everything suddenly has to be the best. It's draining to say the least. Every email and every initiative. Tuning into my perfectionist nature has showed me that there are so many things I don't need to be a perfectionist for. An obsession with perfection does not always work to your favor. It can be excessive and stressful for no reason.

Other times, I'm happy to be a perfectionist. When I was writing my book, my parents wondered why it was taking so long after I told them the writing process was done. I edited and edited, designed and designed. I wanted it to be absolutely perfect before releasing it. After all of it, I'm glad I took so much care and attention. I couldn't be happier with the final product. There's good and bad to everything. Perfectionism can be a good quality or a bad one, but it doesn't have to define you at all times. To work it to your benefit, pay attention to when it is a curse as opposed to blessing. Let your perfectionist nature shine through when it matters the most.

-Cheryl Cherian


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