Journaling Tips

It's no secret that I love journaling. I rave about it almost all the time. To journaling beginners it might seem daunting, but there's no right or wrong way to journal- that's the best part. A journal is just a personal space to write WHATEVER you want!

1. Make it personal

If you've heard of bullet journals, then you know how cool they are. I could literally look at pictures of bullet journals the whole day long. The bullet journal approach is that a journal can look how you want it to, and it can take on any form you'd like. People put a lot of effort into these, whether it be through their calligraphy, artwork, diagrams, or organization. I've seen a lot of bullet journals with quotes, pictures, and more. The more personal your journal is, the more meaning it'll have for you.

2. Make it work for you

So why are you journaling? A lot of people journal to write their thoughts and emotions. For that purpose it makes sense if you have space for lots of writing and reflection. If your journal is somewhat of an agenda with goals and to-do lists, make it a space that accentuates your lists and goals. If this is your purpose, yet your journal looks more like a novel, it might not be serving it's purpose. Adjust your journal to fit your needs so it can work for you.

3. Make it a positive in your life

Journaling should never be a chore. If you don't like it, don't do it, or do it as often as you'd like so that it continues to be effective. Journaling should also never take away from your life. If that's the case, consider changing it up, because your approach might be flawed. For example, if you journal to bring more happiness into your life, but you find that you write about the negatives and you're dwelling too much on those, make it a point to change your approach. Your journal should be a positive aspect of your life that serves the purpose of adding to it, rather than taking away.

Journaling has always been a fulfilling part of my life that has facilitated so much growth and change. With that, happy journaling!!

-Cheryl Cherian


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